Head In a Blur Uncertain Feet
Single-channel video installation(video 10'40")
Single-channel video installation(video 10'40")
During the 2020 pandemic, feeling at an impasse, I left Tokyo and had the chance to spend time in a marginal village. There, in the secluded mountain location, I met an elderly man living alone. He often shared with me the story of a fall he had experienced several months prior. As he spun his words and repeatedly reminisced about the accident, it appeared to be like a ritual to confront the death that had come so close to him.
Amidst a world where loneliness, separation, and death mingled with our daily lives due to the unprecedented pandemic, his quiet ritual took place. I gathered his woven words, and stood on the cliff.
ぼやけた頭 定まらぬ足
Single-channel video installation(video 10'40")